Welcome To Artisan Alchemy by Michele

Workshop information can be found in my shop but I'm happy to provide one to one tuition or hold a bespoke workshop for you and your friends. Feel free to contact me if you'd like to chat this through.
Everything you see on this website has been made by me from either silver, copper or bronze metal clay.
I will constantly add to the website so please check back as often as you can.

I started working with metal clay in October 2014 after experimenting with other forms of jewellery making (most of them unsuccessfully)! I wanted to create jewellery that would stand the test of time and would feel and look like "proper" jewellery! So when I found metal clay I knew I'd found the right medium for me!
In early 2015 I was approached by Beads & Beyond Magazine and asked to contribute copper metal clay projects to be featured in their August edition. In the same edition, I was featured in the "Meet the Designer" section, so it was a double honour!
2015 was a busy year for me as I undertook Levels 1 and 2 to become a Silver Art Clay Instructor and in December I received an early Christmas present as I also passed and qualified as a Level 3 Senior Art Clay Instructor.
2016 has also started off really well! I have been selected by Metal Clay Ltd to be one of 6 "Metal Clay Makers" and every 2 months I'll receive a package of goodies to try out and write reviews of and create tutorials. I've also set up a YouTube channel where I've uploaded a few tutorials (with more to come)! To find out more, there are links in my blog.
I'm also really busy running workshops that have been very well received. I'm loving meeting all the people who have booked on a class and there's nothing better than seeing them go home with a really gorgeous piece of jewellery.
I'm also very excited to be holding a workshop (that has now sold out) and demonstrating at The Big Bead Show at Sandown Park, Surrey on 9th April, so please pop along and say hello if you're in the area!
If you'd like to learn more why not join me at a workshop? Dates and venues can be found in the "Workshops" tab of this website. If there isn't a workshop near you, please contact me as I am happy to discuss private tuition or workshops for you and your friends. I'd love to meet you and share my enthusiasm for metal clay.
Artisan Alchemy by Michele
The Art of Turning Clay into Metal